That’s not true at all, though. I can see only the basic information, such as:
Page load time
Number of visitors per country
Browser header and user agent
Referral (if any)
That’s all there is to it. I don’t have access to IP addresses, location data, or behavioural information. I only have access to the necessary information that enables my website to function seamlessly.
I don’t have access to IP addresses, location data, or behavioural information. I only have access to the necessary information that enables my website to function seamlessly.
You do not, but Cloudflare does because they collect everything.
That’s not true at all, though. I can see only the basic information, such as:
That’s all there is to it. I don’t have access to IP addresses, location data, or behavioural information. I only have access to the necessary information that enables my website to function seamlessly.
You do not, but Cloudflare does because they collect everything.
Your IP address is not worth their storage costs.