if you want to make your own comparisons: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per-capita-methane-emissions?tab=chart&time=latest&country=CHN~USA~GBR~OWID_WRL~IND~ISR~ITA~KGZ~KAZ~JPN~AUS~CAN~UKR~ARE~VEN~VNM~KWT~IRQ~IRN~IDN~HKG~DEU~FRA~FIN~DNK~CUB~BOL~BRA~BGD~ARG~MYS~MEX~NZL~PRK~NOR~PAK~PHL~RUS~SAU~ZAF~KOR~SWE~TWN~THA~TUR
Per capita is a useless metric. It should be per planet. And I’ll save you the time, it’s the US and China
I strong disagree per capita is useless metric. Without it, you are just saying ‘2 people pollute twice as much as one person’.
Methane emissions threaten humanity’s ability to limit warming to relatively safe levels
Do they fuck, we could geoengineer cooling very easily. We need to know more before we do, but injecting aerosols into the stratosphere isn’t technically difficult.
Yeah, I mean just look how well we’re already doing with that /s
We’re the most adaptive species that’s ever existed, to our knowledge, we adapt.
The science is done, this is an engineering problem now.
You could start a submariner company to visit famous sunk ships.