• 7heoOPM
    1 year ago
    Entire tweetstorm (2/2)

    I was at my dream job, and they spoke to me like I was nothing. I can’t express to you how worthless I felt.

    They seem to hire young people who don’t know any better for some roles, and then get away with this over and over.

    This wasn’t just my dream job, it IS a “dream job” There are so many more stories of horrible things and shows of ego that I witnessed while working there.

    But I just needed to get out at least some of what I experienced because it has been two years and every day I see people speculate is another day I’m forced to feel small. Also meant to add, yes, that Glass door review was me. It was, at the time, the only way I felt I could safely express anything that had happened.

    Since Any time I had previously tried, I would be crucified by fans sticking up for who they loved The things said by Linus about talking to management, and HR, and promises about how things are handled internally, were a gross misrepresentation of what actually goes on behind those doors. I remember he posted this in response to people speculating something wrong had happened to me.

    And if you read it, it pretty much says “hehe no one has come out against us, therefore we have done no wrong”

    When I read this I was fuming with upset, because what a dick thing to post when you were at least partially aware of the treatment your employee was getting from you higher ups.

    But, I don’t know what I expected from someone who would mock others for not knowing who they were. I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, “how I liked to fuck”.

    I was told that certain issues were “sexual tension” and I should just “take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out” I was asked to twerk for a co-worker at one point.

    I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. I was called “removed” I was called a “removed

    And at any point I would bring up these comments, I would get told, oh we will have a chat with them.

    Nothing ever came of it. The day I handed in my notice was when someone who constantly over stepped me, mislead what I was working on and who I was said to me:

    “I think the reason you try to be funny, is because you lack any other skills.” smiled then walked away.

    I quit 15 minutes later. It hurts when people compare where I am now to where I was then because yeah I had a bigger audience, yeah I made more money on Twitch.

    But I didn’t know if I wanted to even exist if the person I had looked up to could treat me and other people I respected like pawns. It sucks because that was what I had worked for, FOR YEARS, I had tried to get noticed by this big company and this cool guy I respected.

    Because of that I was willing to get shit on for that job, yelled at, and degraded. I was also the one tasked with managing the Only Fans account. Something I said I didn’t want to do. I had to read comments from people talking about how they wanted to fuck me and my co workers. I saw peoples dicks, and vagina’s. I said no, and was told only a little longer. If you want to say that I am just hopping on a bandwagon, that’s fine. It doesn’t take away the very real experiences I had, or that sharing these without current events would have gotten me persecuted for attacking a company, most of you until a few days ago, thought was perfect They also forced me to have them as my representation if I wanted to take any sponsors for my Twitch or YouTube channels. Originally I had been told, just make sure you okay things by us for non-compete issues. Then that changed when I moved to take the job. To be clear this meant I couldn’t seek any companies to represent me to brands for sponsorships Something important for making a living on twitch or YouTube But LTT also wasn’t doing this for me. They were just going to take any traffic I gained myself, make a deal and take a cut I eventually got all the money back that they would have taken when I called out that their calculations for the cut they should have been taking were being made BEFORE any sort of supplies were re-imbursed

    Even though in the contracts there was a set aside amount for supplies. I am still angry that for a year I was being forced to sit under them while they weren’t doing anything a company would do to really represent you

    And then somehow a big corporation gets the math wrong on how they should be paying you? IE a company is paying you $600, AND $100 they are giving you specifically to spend on their platform for the content.

    The cut LTT was trying to take was of the total $700 not the $600 that was the ACTUAL payment. I had to talk to multiple people before this was rectified. Also apparently some managers didn’t like me because I “hadn’t gotten drunk with them before” Which was said in that haha just jokin (but actually I’m serious) tone After I came forward about being assaulted, Someone accused Linus of inappropriate conduct on twitter.

    He came over to my corner and started BERATING HER. Calling her insane, mentally ill, an attention seeker, and just digging into this poor woman who had felt wronged by him. Also remember the corner I was in, people would sneak up on and try to scare me. After the “incident” I was nervous about this and requested a mirror so I could see behind me. I watched co-workers get what I had asked for weeks before they did. It took 2 months to get mine. Similar things would happen whenever I requested ANYTHING. I needed more RAM installed in my PC for months because I was expected to edit RED footage.

    It took 5 months and a writer being kind enough to do it for me when the numerous requests I sent in were ignored or put off I would go to management for help and get told I could handle it myself.

    Eventually I was pulled into a meeting for insubordination because I had gone around the system for requesting RAM after I was ignored for months and dealing with my PC crashing and losing work daily. There was an incident where I requested a $15 notebook. Keep in mind I had made maybe $25 of purchase requests in my ENTIRE time working at this company.

    I requested this notebook to help with my “poor time management skills”

    denied “you don’t need it, you have lined paper” I was upset and responded back that this was different. “No” then BAM ANOTHER MEETING Madison, why were you rude and non communicative with this manager.

    I didn’t mean to be I was told no, but then I got in trouble because they said they didn’t know I was still upset. Cut to me being at my desk and I get a message saying “I did know you were still upset because you never emailed me back.” They had lied in front of the big boss, to make me look bad, and worst of all I knew if I brought this up I would be the one getting reprimanded for tattling There were also numerous times I would be asked why I couldn’t just check up on socials or do little jobs during the weekend because it’s social media so “is it really working?”

    Imagine telling someone in 2021 social media “isn’t a real job” I’m sure there will be more things I remember and wish I had mentioned in this thread in the coming hours, but for now.

    Please don’t attack individuals who don’t actually have power at this company, most of them are blameless or powerless to actually change anything. Also “why didn’t you take legal actions”

    I had just quit my job, was scared shitless of this company, felt like I was worthless and PERSONALLY I don’t have millions of dollars to throw at legal fees. When I left I was told that they would announce I parted ways from the company on WAN show.

    I said NO unless you make sure you clearly state that I quit.

    They then never mentioned it on WAN show.