Lemmy.world shared a slow query, in detail! Yey!

SELECT post . id, post . name, post . url, post . body, post . creator_id, post . community_id, post . removed, post . locked, post . published, post . updated, post . deleted, post . nsfw, post . embed_title, post . embed_description, post . thumbnail_url, post . ap_id, post . local, post . embed_video_url, post . language_id, post . featured_community, post . featured_local, person . id, person . name, person . display_name, person . avatar, person . banned, person . published, person . updated, person . actor_id, person . bio, person . local, person . private_key, person . public_key, person . last_refreshed_at, person . banner, person . deleted, person . inbox_url, person . shared_inbox_url, person . matrix_user_id, person . admin, person . bot_account, person . ban_expires, person . instance_id, community . id, community . name, community . title, community . description, community . removed, community . published, community . updated, community . deleted, community . nsfw, community . actor_id, community . local, community . private_key, community . public_key, community . last_refreshed_at, community . icon, community . banner, community . followers_url, community . inbox_url, community . shared_inbox_url, community . hidden, community . posting_restricted_to_mods, community . instance_id, community . moderators_url, community . featured_url, community_person_ban . id, community_person_ban . community_id, community_person_ban . person_id, community_person_ban . published, community_person_ban . expires, post_aggregates . id, post_aggregates . post_id, post_aggregates . comments, post_aggregates . score, post_aggregates . upvotes, post_aggregates . downvotes, post_aggregates . published, post_aggregates . newest_comment_time_necro, post_aggregates . newest_comment_time, post_aggregates . featured_community, post_aggregates . featured_local, post_aggregates . hot_rank, post_aggregates . hot_rank_active, post_aggregates . community_id, post_aggregates . creator_id, community_follower . id, community_follower . community_id, community_follower . person_id, community_follower . published, community_follower . pending, post_saved . id, post_saved . post_id, post_saved . person_id, post_saved . published, post_read . id, post_read . post_id, post_read . person_id, post_read . published, person_block . id, person_block . person_id, person_block . target_id, person_block . published, post_like . score, coalesce ( ( post_aggregates . comments - person_post_aggregates . read_comments ), post_aggregates . comments ) FROM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( post_aggregates INNER JOIN person ON ( post_aggregates . creator_id = ? . id ) ) INNER JOIN post ON ( post_aggregates . post_id = ? . id ) ) INNER JOIN community ON ( post_aggregates . community_id = ? . id ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN community_person_ban ON ( ( post_aggregates . community_id = ? . community_id ) AND ( community_person_ban . person_id = ? . creator_id ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN community_follower ON ( ( post_aggregates . community_id = ? . community_id ) AND ( community_follower . person_id = ? ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN post_saved ON ( ( post_aggregates . post_id = ? . post_id ) AND ( post_saved . person_id = ? ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN post_read ON ( ( post_aggregates . post_id = ? . post_id ) AND ( post_read . person_id = ? ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN person_block ON ( ( post_aggregates . creator_id = ? . target_id ) AND ( person_block . person_id = ? ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN community_block ON ( ( post_aggregates . community_id = ? . community_id ) AND ( community_block . person_id = ? ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN post_like ON ( ( post_aggregates . post_id = ? . post_id ) AND ( post_like . person_id = ? ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN person_post_aggregates ON ( ( post_aggregates . post_id = ? . post_id ) AND ( person_post_aggregates . person_id = ? ) ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN local_user_language ON ( ( post . language_id = ? . language_id ) AND ( local_user_language . local_user_id = ? ) ) ) WHERE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( community . removed = ? ) AND ( community . deleted = ? ) ) AND ( post . removed = ? ) ) AND ( post . deleted = ? ) ) AND ( community . local = ? ) ) AND ( ( community . hidden = ? ) OR ( community_follower . person_id = ? ) ) ) AND ( post . nsfw = ? ) ) AND ( community . nsfw = ? ) ) ORDER BY post_aggregates . featured_local DESC, post_aggregates . hot_rank DESC, post_aggregates . published DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?

  • RoundSparrow @ BT@bulletintree.comOPM
    1 year ago

    What exactly is the relationship of post_aggregates and post?

    aggregates id: 503771 to post id 2133833. Both tables have 502204 records in them, equal. But why is post ID incrementing so far ahead? Is federation pounding on the index with failed INSERT statements?

    • RoundSparrow @ BT@bulletintree.comOPM
      1 year ago

      CouldntCreatePost can be returned even on UPDATE of a created post. Is this wrapped in transaction?

      What exactly is going on with federated code and CouldntCreatePost?