In today’s Baldur’s Gate 3 guide we take a look at how the controller works on the PC. The good news is that it’s freakin’ amazing. Here’s my guide on how to…

    1 year ago

    I did a quick test with joystick on the right track pad. Reduced friction and trackball mode so you can push and let it turn until you stop it again. It’s playable but it’s full controller mode.

    Action and reaction is not so crucial here which is why it’s okay for me.

    Can you maybe fully disable controller mode and put only mouse and keyboard shortcuts onto the steam controller?

      1 year ago

      I played early access that way with the Stream Controller/Deck before the real controller support was added. It works pretty well but takes a lot of setup to get feeling right. The controller support works right away but has limitations mainly with selection and menus.

      Personally I’ve switched to controller UI as it is easier to keep track of what buttons do when they are shown on the screen. Pressing X when it says X is easier than pressing X when it says left shift. Split input would be best of both worlds but for now either way works depending on what it more important for you.