I am not a regular gamer, but once or twice in the week I am indulging in some after work gaming. Mostly I enjoy games that are either story rich to put different thoughts in my mind or games with a simple, but enjoyable gameplay (not too much micromanagement).

Here are my favorites for an after work gaming spree:

What about you, what do you play after work (even occasionally) to get your mind off or do you have any suggestions in general?

  • duffman@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Between Xbox and steam deck:

    Recently I finished it takes two with my daughter, looking for new couch coops to play with her. For my own gaming time, getting bored of Diablo IV, Dave the diver was fun for a while but I’m ready for something else, maybe will get back into valheim.

    • CustodialTeapot@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      DYO is a great free couch coop puzzle game on steam.

      If you can play in seperate rooms, the We Were Here series is outstanding. As well as Escape Academy, which is much more child friendly.

      Side scroller wise on the same machine. Ibb and Obb or Unravel 1 and 2 are fantastic couch coop games.

      Yes, I love coop games. Just wish there were more. Feel I’ve.played them all already.

      • duffman@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Awesome, thanks for the suggestions! Unravel (2) was one of the first games we played together, it was the the perfect game to introduce her to because asymmetrical skill doesn’t hurt the game at all, actually it even helps.

        I agree with you on the limited local co-op games out there. I feel like I’ve played them all. Online co-op will be an option when I fix my PC, but the couch experience is hard to beat.