This is the Daystrom Institute Episode Analysis thread for Strange New Worlds 2x08 Under the Cloak of War.

Now that we’ve had a few days to digest the content of the latest episode, this thread is a place to dig a little deeper.

    2 years ago

    The characterization of Dak’Rah subverted my expectations. I was expecting him to continue to be portrayed as Legate Ghemor was - truly remorseful and wanting to do better to change his society. I was reminded throughout the episode of the one in DS9 where Kira had to listen to the dying Cardassian’s life story. She got pretty angry at lives lost that he was culpable for but ultimately was able to forgive him.

    Juxtaposed with this episode, the reveal that Rah is antithesis of honour and a huge coward turns the story from the trope of forgiveness is for the victim to “do some people just deserve to die for the evil they’ve done?”