So, this sucks. On Mint, Firefox was running super sluggish to the point of being unusable. I reinstalled Ubuntucinnamon because I enjoyed using it when I had it installed, but between me last having it installed and now there seems to have been an update that has broken cinnamon’s system tray. Which, for me, is a major functionality.

I really don’t want to twiddle my thumbs waiting and trying to figure out why shit isn’t working right, but I really do like the cinnamon de. ugh


    1 year ago

    Recently switched over from Windows to Pop_OS! as a daily for the first time, and I am loving every second of it! As a convert from Windows to Linux who also likes to dabble in some advanced stuff, Pop_OS! was very easy to get into. In the past I’ve tried Arch but it was too much work to get to my liking.