I haven’t been able to login for what seems like a couple of weeks. Server IP can’t be found. Changed VPN to Cyrus. Changed browsers. No luck. Does anyone know?
Their lemmy is gone, and they’re trying to migrate the DB to their new instance. https://FMHY.net is their current website, lemmy not included.
https://lemmy.fmhy.net is up and running!
A vote was held on Mastodon and the majority elected to start fresh versus waiting longer to work out how to do the migration. A bit of a bummer, but still happy to be back.
Yeah not sure what the issue is, hopefully we will be able to subscribe later on.
If we can’t, I’ll be sporting another un
I wanted to subscribe to it but for some reason, it won’t let me.
It’s dead. They lost their domain.
Thanks, everyone!