How long have you waited to get it? Was it worth it?

    2 years ago

    IDK, probably Mass Effect? I just got Mass Effect Legendary this year and I’ve been playing it, and it’s fantastic! I didn’t hear about it at release for some reason, and I had heard the game was great, but decided to wait to see if they’d remaster it or something. They did, but it was too expensive, so I held off.

    I eventually got it for ~$15 on a Steam sale and about 6 months later, here I am playing it. And yes, it’s worth it, the game runs fantastically on my Steam Deck and it’s a ton of fun.

    My main reason for being patient is to get the best experience (fewer bugs, all DLC, etc), not just to save money, and I think I got it at the right time. My coworker is also playing through it for the first time, so I have someone to talk to about it.