I clearly have failed to understand how integral to the social identity of the Lemmy community server crashes have become. The “little guy taking on Reddit and Twitter” for 4 years.

I have personal DB2 and PostgreSQL experience in production “mission critical” applications. I should have seen that for 4 years the developers had all the social experience of social – like Hollywood films or Music Industry labels.

My brain damaged mind was WORRIED about the June 4, 2023 GitHub Issue 2910 so much that I started organizing !lemmyperformance@lemmy.ml on June 13 after lemmy.ml upgraded hardware and I saw more crashes.

It’s cultural. I should not have looked into the kitchen and let my personal DB2 and PostgreSQL memories haunt me that this was “production” system crashing.

I fucked up, and I’ve wasted 2 months in WORRY about the Reddit API deadline the first month, and now the Elon Musk X rename, and I admit - I didn’t get the social experience the developers have for 4 years working “social communities”.

I study religions, I should have interpreted it using that hat instead of “production PostgreSQL or DB2”.

It’s been a bad year for me, and I’ve made several big mistakes. I had to drink to clear my mind for the first time this year since New Years. Those memories of running “mission critical” servers had to be shut off, stop applying them to socially-driven Lemmy culture. The developers have been running this site for 4 years, they know modern audiences and what works - I’ve just been pissing into the wind with the wrong interpretation :(

  • RoundSparrowOP
    1 year ago

    So, this is a new phase of my brain damage experience.

    I previously would have caught on to Elon Musk and realized what the Lemmy developers expectations were. Elon knows how to build a loyal following, people follow all his organizations.

    My brain damage experience of the past 2 months was to not use Elon as an experience, not to see how ChatGPT was the biggest new success ever (while constantly crashing), and to be haunted by 2009 memories of running PostgreSQL in production - and haunted by 1992 memories of DB2 in production, etc. My brain damage did not let me see the “Music Industry” and “Film Industry” way of doing things.

    I would be worried about how a musician runs their computers, or how a mosque runs their computers. It’s an entirely different Interpretation / mindset. And I brought the WRONG ATTITUDE.

  • RoundSparrowOP
    1 year ago

    It sucks to have such a broken brain that you can’t “read the room” and see just how things are done and the project priorities.

    This guy spelled it out to me: do NOT expect them to fix server-crashes on lemmy.ml - he doesn’t think any existing developer has responsibility to do so.

    I see now that this is a social structure I did not grasp. He thinks it is not their responsibility to fix lemmy_server code. I was the only person who reading issue 2910 and getting frustrated about the days turning into months. I feel so dumb, not “reading the room” of understanding that nobody here views them as responsible for fixing server crashes.

    My expectations were wrong, I should have “gone with the flow” and not worried at all about issue 2910 - and priorities. Lemmy had been wildly successful, crashes and all!

    God, what a mistake, I just couldn’t see that people think it is fine and “cool”. What social skills I have didn’t grasp the culture here and how people are not worried about the crashes.

    Lemmy.ml has crashed for even on 0.18.3 at least 10 times today. But i haven’t seen anyone criticize it as a problem. I was worrying about something nobody else was worrying abut. Because my inability to 'read the room" and see that this is not that kind of project. Different strokes for different folks.