We were easy marks.

  • Pons_Aelius@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    Where were BEVs just 15 years ago?

    Where are fuel cells today?

    I read my first story about the coming fuel cell cars in 1996, and they were less than a decade from production then, but they never came.

    Toyota, the builder of some of the best cars ever made, has spent decades and billions trying to make fuel cells work for cars. If a company with the engineering excellence of Toyota is struggling for so long…

    BEVs are not on the road because they are better than fuel cells. If fuel cells could be practically made, they would beat BEVs in every aspect. Range, refuelling, environmental impact

    But they don’t.

    BEVs are not better than fuel cells but they actually work for cars.

    • Hypx@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      BEVs are over 100 years old. In fact, they’re older than ICE cars. No one seems to notice that this is the longest development process of any technology in the industry.

      Meanwhile, fuel cells are just coming into their own. Most of your arguments are just totally outdated and stuck in the past. You seem oblivious to the fact that FCEVs already exist and are being sold to the public right now. They’re already a developed technology, just one that hasn’t become popular yet. It is likely dismissing solar and wind energy just as they were taking off. It is just being closed-minded and short-sighted to say these things.