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  • Arotrios@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’d put more weight into your post if I hadn’t seen UAPs firsthand, several before drones took to the skies, and in the presence of multiple reliable witnesses.

    Secondly, your understanding of warp physics is somewhat out of date, as the biggest issue around the development of such a field is not creating energy, but rather creating negative energy, and the technology is under active study by a number of reputable scientific teams.

    As such your premise that such travel isn’t possible is flawed and short-sighted. Just because we haven’t accomplished a thing doesn’t mean it’s impossible - just ask the Wright Brothers.

    The remainder of your post is declarative and anecdotal, and is trying to prove a negative, a difficult if not impossible task given the infinite span of the universe. In fact, it’s far more likely, just speaking in terms of probability, that intelligent life exists outside our planet than the entire reach of reality being a wasteland save for our small green dot.

    That being said, I appreciate the time you took to respond, even if I disagree with your opinion. I suggest you take a look at the link above - it may broaden your horizons regarding what’s possible.