I’ve tried and tried to get actual espresso art, but I can’t seem to get it right. I’m certain my foam is perfect because it’s silky and thick and flows out of the cup well. Any advice?
I’ve tried and tried to get actual espresso art, but I can’t seem to get it right. I’m certain my foam is perfect because it’s silky and thick and flows out of the cup well. Any advice?
Just below the surface (technically at the surface -should sound like paper tearing). How long very much depends on your machine, but most home machines, we’re talking 7 or 8 seconds, and then you plunge the wand down well below the surface so you don’t introduce more air, and you need to find the spot and angle that gives you a good whirlpool, which will incorporate the foam from the top into the liquid below so it is more or less homogenous.