• wanderingmagus@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “If climate change is real why is it still cold in the winter”

    “There’s no climate change, just earth cycles. This is a good thing actually.”

    “Climate change is fake and doesn’t matter because Jesus is coming and the True Believers™ will be ruptured to heaven and the world will be destroyed and remade, as it is written”

    “Climate change isn’t real, the lamesteam media is a bunch of lying communist feminazis paid for by the liberals, and the scientists are all a bunch of fascist propagandists trying to turn America into a dictatorship ruled by gay Satan worshipping baby killers. We have to prepare to use our 2nd amendment rights to fight the commu-fascists flooding our country with illegal aliens.”

    -your average climate change denier. Also my mom, my uncle, and my mom’s group of little old ladies at church.