Porn sites must have government health warning in Texas from September 1st::Just when we didn’t think the state of Texas could get any more wacko on tech policy, this latest bill really suggests otherwise. House Bill 1181 is an age verification measure that is similar to what we’ve seen in the state legislatures across other red U.S. states. You have an age verification proposal that is similar…
Romneycare was what the basic concept of the ACA was called before it was called Obamacare. There are very few American politicians on either side of the aisle who favour single-payer healthcare.
After Obama campaigned on healthcare as a key issue, he ended up using a Republican healthcare reform as the framework for his federal reform in order to get the corporate crony faction of the Democrat party on side. The Republicans, in a classic example of American politics being literally the dumbest thing ever, decided that they couldn’t be seen as agreeing with a Democrat (particularly a black one), even if it was their own idea, so they moved the Overton Window even further right and began claiming that even ACA was a bridge too far.
Obama’s first proposal was for a single-payer system. That proposal lost by effectively 1 vote.
You don’t need to link me anything, because I was a grown adult in 08.
“Obamacare” for instance, was coined when Obama won, because right-wing talk channels had been expecting Hillary Clinton to win the Primary and had already coined “HillaryCare” from her own single-payer proposal shed had since the 90s.
Fuckin weird that leftists try to distort recent history as if people weren’t fucking alive in 2008 and can correct them.
Fuckin weird that you seem to think ‘leftist’ is a cogent insult.
It’s not an insult - right-wing people don’t do that. They make up different wholesale bullshit