We all know there’s a barrier, albeit fairly low, to the fediverse proper, but on the other hand, I remember seeing a video once about how people’s attention span is so fucked by Instagram and all that that they comment with questions already answered in the post, for example (obviously I can’t find it now in the sea of opinion-piece video essays about it). In a way the barrier to entry is a boon to the fediverse proper in all arenas bar financing.
We all know there’s a barrier, albeit fairly low, to the fediverse proper, but on the other hand, I remember seeing a video once about how people’s attention span is so fucked by Instagram and all that that they comment with questions already answered in the post, for example (obviously I can’t find it now in the sea of opinion-piece video essays about it). In a way the barrier to entry is a boon to the fediverse proper in all arenas bar financing.
[The Barrier]
[The Users]
If anything, this is how the Internet used to be: there is a small technical barrier to entry, but if you can’t be bothered to learn you’ll struggle.
And the Internet certainly used to be better.