This is a bit silly and short sighted is it not? You own the device you should have the choice to use it at its full potential you dont have to but you have the right to.
lol, you can’t force people to want things, i have been shooting slr cameras since te 80s, and thats the reason i on a dslr now, don’t give a shit about webcam calls, done that twice in my life
This is a bit silly and short sighted is it not? You own the device you should have the choice to use it at its full potential you dont have to but you have the right to.
lol, you can’t force people to want things, i have been shooting slr cameras since te 80s, and thats the reason i on a dslr now, don’t give a shit about webcam calls, done that twice in my life
That kinda misses my point but I dont think im explaining it well honestly.