The fix of comment delete not making it to 1498 subscribed servers out of 1500 went in. I’m working on testing to confirm the same for moderator remove and other actions (testing did get several merges this week, not sure where problems like feature/sticky in a community for all 1500 servers go).

I am contemplating if some kind of existing-data cleanup could be done for all the comment deletes that never got sent out. If an admin API could be added to trigger a undelete then delete again if comment = local. Crawl them. Probably too many other fixes.

Will the server-crashing fix go in before the weekend?

  • RoundSparrowOP
    1 year ago

    Yesterday, Day 62, comments and posts I made on this community…

    The striking thing about Lemmy is that the developers have pushed back on anything I would consider “battle hardened”, “robust”, “fault-tolerent”, “defense against”, “stress testing”. May 25, day 1 of my Lemmy journey, all the servers were crashing and the June 4 GirHub Issue 2910 spelled out the bomb inside Lemmy PostgreSQL TRIGGER:

    I couldn’t believe that the June 4 issue was being ignored, the words made about the PostgreSQL TRIGGER logic-bomb were very clear to developers/project leaders: "Is causing performance to blow out. Its nonsensical, and doesn’t work as intended. ". Again, by Monday June 19 I was up in arms with the approaching June 30 Reddit API cut-off date.

    It is the most committed social hazing of the entire USA technology community, Reddit and Twitter, that I could imagine. Developers who avoid eating their own Dog Food, using Lemmy, who hang out on Matrix Chat - while watching a June 4 GitHub issue about server crashes go ignored. It has been one wild ride to experience this social hazing.

  • RoundSparrowOP
    1 year ago

    Just now, time of this comment…

    it is stunning the level of social hazing being played upon the world-wide Twitter and Reddit communities, the whole Internet. Since May 25, I have personally witnessed every single lemmy server I visit (dozens) crashing with PostgreSQL problems that the June 4 GitHub Issue 2910 called out - and became so frustrated that July 22 they started running EXPLAIN on their own server data ( - the lead developer’s production server with real-world data - crashing constantly, never seems to do this since May 25 that I’ve been around)… In response to sharing EXPLAIN runs against real-world data on Saturday, I put together a clearly-labeled “EMERGENCY” pull request on Sunday. The lead developers of Lemmy don’t work Saturday and Sunday since I came along May 25, and first thing Monday their only action about network-wide server crash fix was to edit my pull request to remove the word “EMERGENCY”. I’m not kidding. - Issue 2910 is not my personal issue, and ignored since JUNE 4th (53 days and counting for a server-crash cause, identified in detail)!

    here we are, well into Thursday, and they are adding more restrictions to the Lemmy project about the space vs. tab formatting correctness of SQL statements… instead of issuing an immediate 0.18.3 or production fix!

    This has to be the most sophisticated social hazing I have ever seen played against societies. This goes beyond my world travels to multiple Islamic nations as a white American post-9/11. It is wild to witness this level of social hazing against end-user populations. They KNOW the PostgreSQL TRIGGER is causing server crashes every hour of every day, but they won’t make a release for the non-programmer server operators out there. And end-users, of course, can’t update the servers they are using their own self. The sophistication of the social hazing is of the highest order. Mythological level.

    • RoundSparrowOP
      1 year ago

      I think it is also note-worthy that they didn’t really make a GitHub release since July 7, 0.18.2 was rush installed by many server operators, but the project started offering confusing release numbers.

      As of the time of this comment, this is the GitHub status of releases:

      Again, not my issue, but someone else called this out on July 12 in GitHub issue 3602: