Why do people think racism works like noise cancelling?
If you’re racist the “other way”, it doesn’t cancel out the initial racism, it just creates more racism.
Maybe their goal isn’t to end racism but to say “if you get you to be racist to benefit your kind why can’t we”
So, what’s the answer then - woukd it be just declaring there is no racism in NZ and trying to keep everything ‘level’?
The OP is saying there is no racism. I am saying we accept that fact there is deep and intense racism which runs to the core of our culture and that all efforts to ease it have failed. These people have come to the same realisation and decided to go ahead and practice it the same way it was practiced against them.
There is no other choice really. It’s not like people are going to stop being racist tonight and treat everybody fairly. Why even pretend the world is fair.
The idea that racism can be good is very strange. “I’m going to be racist, but for a good cause” doesn’t fit well.
I get the goal was to encourage Tangata Moana to attend, but it is in effect a disincentive to the “allies” because they are being punished.
The fact that there is tiered pricing for other things doesn’t excuse this behavior. It turns out that Students/Youth/Elderly are different than Maori/White/Pasifika.
“Reverse racism” isn’t really a thing.
The organisers make a thoughtful observation of existing positive discrimination widely accepted in pricing:
They also noted that staggered ticketing structures “are not uncommon”.
“Discounted tickets are widely offered to various groups including seniors, students, unwaged, and locals to name a few. This structure exists beyond [the event] WAVES, and is utilised by businesses and organisations alike, in an effort to prioritise affordability for specific demographics.”
How the heck do they figure out who’s who and where do they draw the line? Imagine telling someone who identifies as Maori that they aren’t Maori and then charges them an extra $10 for it. God I hope they’re not doing any blood quantum shit.
I’m not sure if Aotearoa has band offices like they do in Canada, but one way to achieve equity (and not doing any harm) would be to give coupons or something to the band office so they can hand them out to their people. Thus giving discounts to people who need them and not making anyone feel excluded.
That’s a good point, I assume they just take the person’s word for it. There’s a lot of Maori that don’t look particularly Maori around.
Brown Town lol