Hi, I wanted to ask about the police here. I tried to ask for help yesterday, when we wanted to report a thief. I had to call 114 multiple times, because they were busy and asked me to call back… the third time when they asked me to call back again, I told them I’ve been told the same twice before. So they finally talk with me, and tell me they can’t do anything, because we didn’t see the person actually stealing & I have to report it online. We had the thief nearby for the whole time I tried to get a hold of them, but nothing.
I am from Eastern-Europe, where police gets paid less and isn’t as praised as here, but when I want to report something, they immediately do the paperwork and try to help. Why is it so different here? Do I really pay this high amount of tax to be told to report stuff online? Which, by the time I get home and get to sit down in front of my computer to actually report it, is a lost cause.
I am really not sure and been wondering, because this was my first experience here with police, and it was a bit upsetting. Especially the part when they ask me to call back, not even once haha.
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The original was posted on /r/denmark by /u/tinasdf at 2023-07-26 08:20:47+00:00.
InternationalMany198 at 2023-07-26 09:58:49+00:00 ID:
If you didn’t see the person stealing, how do you know they actually stole something? I don’t blame the police for not wanting to show up to a maybe thief, they have better things to do.
Mission_Egg4330 at 2023-07-26 13:27:53+00:00 ID:
Really sorry a thief stole from you, but if you didn’t see the thief, have a lead for the police or at least something, what do you expect them to do?
The Danish police is usually very decent at estimating a situation, and if you called 114 it’s not considered an emergency (112 is for emergencies… actual emergencies, robberies, assaults, rape, murder etc.).
Alarming-Till-8514 at 2023-07-26 08:44:38+00:00 ID:
Du ved jo godt hvad han mener
OtteLoc at 2023-07-26 08:45:15+00:00 ID:
Hvad fabler du om? Jeg svarer på det han mener og skriver.
Alarming-Till-8514 at 2023-07-26 08:52:18+00:00 ID:
Jeg har aldrig hørt nogen brokke sig over oplevelser med politiet, som ikke selv har været på kant med loven. Så langt hen af vejen kan jeg godt følge tanken “dårlige kunder giver dårlig service”. Derudover er det tydeligt, endda bare her på skrift, at du eskalerer ting helt enormt. Han kommer med en vinkel på sagen, og du føler dig straks ramt og kalder ham en idiot? Hmmm…
OtteLoc at 2023-07-26 08:56:33+00:00 ID:
Igen, politiet har ikke kunder. Du kan ikke sammenligne det med detailhandlen, der er ingen kunde og sælger struktur her, der er ikke en kunde som kan blive ked af det eller trådt på af noget vedr. et produkt eller pris, det er kun hvis politiet helt overvejende har forsømt eller forskelsbehandlet pågældende borger, som ikke er i orden. Politiets virke er sat i stand for at hjælpe borgere i retssamfund. Det giver nul mening at se det på den måde du prøver på.
Det var dog en meget subjektiv vurdering, det må du jo om. Der er intet som bliver eskaleret her, påpeg det gerne?
TheBendit at 2023-07-26 10:37:06+00:00 ID:
De to gange i mit liv jeg har ringet 112 endte med ingen hjælp.
ditlevrisdahl at 2023-07-26 08:51:31+00:00 ID:
Bare fra denne korte tråd forstår jeg godt hvorfor politiet ikke magter dig 😂 god dag.
OtteLoc at 2023-07-26 08:52:50+00:00 ID:
Hvad baserer du det på? Tænker du at jeg forudindtaget vælger at være fortørnet over politiets opførsel før jeg har oplevet den, ej vel.
virtuositet at 2023-07-26 09:20:57+00:00 ID:
Try Sweden instead! Bye!
larholm at 2023-07-26 09:55:45+00:00 ID:
Indholdet er fjernet. Fra vores regler:
Personangreb, alt-spekulation, chikane-tagging samt irrelevant henvisning til historik er ikke tilladt.
Har du spørgsmål eller kommentarer til dette, kan du skrive en besked til os igennem modmail.
Lincolnonion at 2023-07-26 17:53:21+00:00 ID:
btw, if you have any other types of crimes… just my two cents as Eastern European.
just saying, but when a man touched my boob and sprinted away in Utterslevmose, I went to central station to submit a rapport.
In a while, they sent me a letter in ebox that they went to the place and if I want to apply for compensation.
jackjackandmore at 2023-07-26 13:04:58+00:00 ID:
It’s only a crime if you steal from the govt, a bank or someone rich /s
beltoft at 2023-07-26 09:26:06+00:00 ID:
The second you say you’re from Eastern Europe the police assume you’re the theif.
Theift is not a big enough crime to bother the police with. Just call your insurance to the the stolen item replaced
cbhem at 2023-07-26 08:46:50+00:00 ID:
Police here is understaffed and too busy tending to gang crime, border control and taking free time accumulated from said activities.
In this country we have to accept not to bother the police with “simple crimes” and accept that it has become an issue between you and your insurance.
If you live outside the capital and the few larger cities, accept that requesting police presence for anything other than an ongoing murder is not really possible.
Try calling 114 at any odd hour (meaning not mon-fri between 9 and 16) and you will be told the nearest (and only) patrol car in your police precinct is 65 kms away).
Policing in this country has become a joke to be honest and it’s no wonder this country has become a hotspot for “crime tourists”.
RealEradikate at 2023-07-26 08:52:20+00:00 ID:
If you actually know which guy did the thieving, i would literally just do a citizens arrest if possible and THEN call the police. They will show up for sure then.
Mester_Jones at 2023-07-26 09:07:53+00:00 ID:
Don’t. Take a video of it but for the love of god don’t do a citizens arrest if you do not know the rules.
RealEradikate at 2023-07-26 09:56:30+00:00 ID:
If you want any hope of getting your stuff back, this is the way to go. Unfortunately.
Helpful-Economist-61 at 2023-07-26 09:14:16+00:00 ID:
They don’t care about theft
Overthinkingmanchild at 2023-07-26 09:42:18+00:00 ID:
Capture the thief and hold him as a hostage and they might consider showing up… to arrest you!
Ok-Indication202 at 2023-07-26 08:45:28+00:00 ID:
The police here cant do shit about theft. The law makes it incredibly difficult to prosecute theft. So the police doesn’t really bother with it
Near wwhheree i live there is a whole family who steal on a regular basis. Because they lie for each other the police have no evidence.
Best to take matters into your own hand
in_taco at 2023-07-26 09:36:04+00:00 ID:
Reality makes it difficult to prosecute theft. You need actual evidence pointing to someone specific. That’s rarely something you have, so what is the police supposed to do?
Ok-Indication202 at 2023-07-26 10:27:30+00:00 ID:
The police can’t do shit about it and they know it.
SuspiciousLamp at 2023-07-26 09:48:10+00:00 ID:
Theft very quickly becomes an insurance case and you usually get reimbursed the full amount. Our police prefers eating donuts to actually working.
Dank_Mariguanas at 2023-07-26 14:12:28+00:00 ID:
I never forget when a man forced himself into my appartement, and when he saw me sitting there watching TV ran away again. I then followed him around to see what he was up to. He went into every backyard to see if peoples doors were unlocked. I then called the police, told them everything, still following this guy actively trying to break into peoples home. “They didn’t have the time”. I was shocked and again explained That I was right there with him and that I could point out atleast 10 handles where he tried to go in, so they could take his fingerprint. But, they didn’t have the time and I should just let him go. Sine then, I never report anything.
Mission_Egg4330 at 2023-07-26 17:31:39+00:00 ID:
The police gets so many bait calls every damn day, that it’s crying wolf at this point if you don’t have an actual emergency going on.
tinasdf (OP) at 2023-07-26 14:35:01+00:00 ID:
what!! that is crazy.