Growing up during school, Algebra was gibberish to me and I didn’t know why until college when I figured out I just never learned Algebraic expression notation
Since 8th grade I knew what a constant was and that was about it, so I never advanced beyond basic 2 + x = 5 type equations or intuitive chemistry equations; ask me what an integer or coefficient was and I’d give you a blank look, even to this day those words give me anxiety
My teachers were god awful and just angrily repeated formulas whose notations I didn’t understand and since I didn’t have a concrete conception of what notations are I couldn’t articulate why I couldn’t understand or memorize the formulas
Your problem with math is you had shitty teachers. I see this all the time in tech. It’s almost a trope at this point. The angry IT tech who calls you names when you ask them a question? Yeah, that’s just them compensating for their lack of knowledge.
Growing up during school, Algebra was gibberish to me and I didn’t know why until college when I figured out I just never learned Algebraic expression notation
Since 8th grade I knew what a constant was and that was about it, so I never advanced beyond basic 2 + x = 5 type equations or intuitive chemistry equations; ask me what an integer or coefficient was and I’d give you a blank look, even to this day those words give me anxiety
My teachers were god awful and just angrily repeated formulas whose notations I didn’t understand and since I didn’t have a concrete conception of what notations are I couldn’t articulate why I couldn’t understand or memorize the formulas
Your problem with math is you had shitty teachers. I see this all the time in tech. It’s almost a trope at this point. The angry IT tech who calls you names when you ask them a question? Yeah, that’s just them compensating for their lack of knowledge.