I have like $15 for the next 5 days so I’ve been eating nuts for breakfast and brown rice with steamed carrot and tofu for dinner the last few days. It’s keeping me alive but I think I’m getting too much fibre because my shits are getting thinner and thinner. I don’t really wanna shit water for the next week, what’s the cheapest food I can use to bung myself up. I’m thinking just buy a loaf of the cheapest bread I can find and munch a few slices dry here and there. I’ll need to buy some more rice/tofu over the weekend, should have enough left for some bread.
PS. The only way I can cook rn is steaming, the only kitchenware I could afford until next payday was a rice cooker that I can steam stuff in too.
Honestly, it’s very unlikely the fiber itself, unless you’re switching very suddenly to a high fiber diet from an extremely low fiber/literally zero fiber diet. The diet of rice, tofu, carrots, and nuts isn’t a super high fiber diet, but it isn’t a super low fiber diet either.
If this week is the first time you’ve had vegetables in a month or two, that might actually be the issue. Give it more time, and If that’s not the case, there’s something more complex going on.
It could be a poor soluble/insoluble fiber ratio, but carrots and tofu have mostly soluble fiber and rice has plenty of insoluble fiber. Bread and apples are both good additions to the BRAT diet which aren’t as expensive as bananas.
Do you maybe have IBS-D? That could explain the paradoxical reaction to an increase in fiber. Do you have a history of issues with certain foods? Anything in particular that always makes you ill?
Your current diet may be a bit low in protein, and may not be adequately supporting your gut microbiota. Grab some beans and yogurt, these can help replenish the beneficial gut bacteria which may be why you’re having a bad time.
If you’re in the US, you may want to double check if you’re eligible for SNAP or check out a food pantry for some extra help with groceries from TEFAP. (A bit more variety in your diet can go a long way towards getting you regular.)