Ok but the f35 isn’t made for combat it’s to funnel money from the federal reserve into the pockets of Lockheed Martin and investors
America sells the noose to hang itself again. Any world power like the US so hellbent on remaining a superpower indefinitely would be INCREDIBLY protective over exporting its stealth aircraft, yet they’ve gone as far as to put them into the hands of countries that are barely on the periphery of American hegemony like Turkey.
There’s no doubt that China has benefitted greatly from the relatively lax restrictions on weapons exports since the cold war - The US has effectively ceded decades of military technology to so-called existential enemies just by funnelling them into regimes and proxy armies that inevitably sell or lose track of their whereabouts.
Ah but did they put AI into the F35? I think putting some AI into would make it better
also maybe put them on blockchain, that always works