Anyone want to do a monthly what are you reading thread? I saw that there wasn’t one pinned so I figured what the hell and abuse my mod powers.
I’m currently reading McFarlane’s Spider-Man from 1990. It’s even got my favorite spidey villain the lizard.
It’s more of a re-read, but How to Win Friends and Influence People. I’m finding it really hard to get a job and especially as an autistic person, charisma just doesn’t come to me.
So far some of the advice seems antiquated like liberally using someone’s name. I worked as a cashier and I HATED it when customers said my name. Like, we ain’t friends and I can tell you look down on me. But then again, I’m autistic so what the hell do I know about neurotypicals? The other advice that idk about is that it seems to boil down to just buttering people up, a hiring manager practically expects thousands of random “you’re my hero btw is your company hiring” messages from total strangers on the daily.
Wait is that a comic? I’m confused
It’s an old book by Dale Carnegie. It talks about conversing with people and strategies behind it.
Some of it I want to use if I want to turn people away from the alt-right pipeline, like before I remember using some of the tips to turn away a cousin from fascism by convincing him to move left and make it think moving left was his idea. Hence why I describe the advice as flattery.