Because he uses Venezuela as an example. To be clear the vote tallies of the recent elections have not been released. That would allow for local election officals to recount those ballots and make sure that they match the ones electronically send to the central election commite. They claim is that the digital results have been destroyed by hackers. However the reciepes count should still work and it is intressting that those are not just counted and manually send to the national electoral council again. Just to be clear under Chavez that was very different and there is really no reason to doubt the results.
Because he uses Venezuela as an example. To be clear the vote tallies of the recent elections have not been released. That would allow for local election officals to recount those ballots and make sure that they match the ones electronically send to the central election commite. They claim is that the digital results have been destroyed by hackers. However the reciepes count should still work and it is intressting that those are not just counted and manually send to the national electoral council again. Just to be clear under Chavez that was very different and there is really no reason to doubt the results.