Finally got my ESPHome based e-nail up and running. This solution is fully integrated with Home Assistant, allows control via MQTT, built-in web interface, or on the device itself using the screen and rotary encoder. Next steps are building out settings menus on the screen itself and working through a few electrical gremlins with erroneous ground fault errors from the MAX31855 at higher temperatures

    • lps2OP
      2 years ago

      Thanks! I was shocked by how easy it was to get up and running so massive props to the Nabu Casa team that created the ESPHome framework (and Home Assistant!). Once I get this cleaned up a bit and successfully 3D print the case, I’ll throw all of this on Gitlab so others can make their own smart e-nail.

      I’m hoping to also design a PCB so that all these components can just be dropped into place with minimal soldering required and I want to move to a bigger screen / touchscreen

  • lps2OP
    2 years ago

    Also, when looking for a new flat coil it seems they have fallen out of favor to axial coils since most people are using bangers. If anyone knows of any 150watt flat coils let me know since I still rock my CCA710 Liger (such a great product from such a terrible company).

    My thought is that with a higher watt coil I could program in a cold start function since it would heat up fast enough