in Communities create community/edit community there is a SiteLanguage::read with no site_id, should that call to read have site_id = 1?
For reference, on my production instance my site_language table has 198460 rows and my site table has 1503 rows. Average of 132 languages per site. counts:
I didn’t figure 200,000 rows was running that slow, but I thought it was an easy entry point into analyzing code that allows parameter-less queries accidentally. site_aggregates has been an example in the code where lack of parameters was hitting 1500 rows when it was supposed to be hitting 1, same basic problem I suspect here.
I know people are avoiding looking at the SQL in the project, simple things like this are not getting eyeballs:
select c.creator_id from comment c inner join person u on c.creator_id = inner join person pe on c.creator_id =