One of the biggest new headline additions to LineageOS 22 is a brand new music application aptly named “Twelve,” which sunsets the old “Eleven” system music player. The fresh lick of paint brings Material You design, a dedicated landscape mode for tablets and larger displays like foldables, support for various music library server protocols, including Subsonic and Jellyfin, and lots of other tweaks to improve your listening experience.
Well, shit. This is pretty sweet to have those protocols baked in
Wow, that is really cool. First time I feel like i read this stuff and it actually applies to something I use.
Not forgetting OpenSubsonic! Thanks devs
Isn’t Android 15 gonna make it hard to sideload apps or something?
The whole idea of Android forks is that they remove anti-features.
No. It made it so that dideloaded apps don’t have as many permissions enabled by default, which seems like a better behavior to me. In any case I’m sure if the devs wanted to change that, they could on their custom roms