I’m looking for recommendations of good blogs for programmers. I’ve been asked about what I would recommend by younger folks a few times these past few months and I realised I don’t really have a good list that I could just share with them.
What I’m interested in are blogs that don’t focus specifically on any particular tech but more things like Coding Horror that are just for devs in general. They don’t have to be for beginners. It’d also be interesting to see which of those are most popular in our little circle, so please upvote comments that contain recommendations you agree with.
I’m implicitly assuming stuff shared by folks here is going to be sensible, well-written blogs, and not some AI shill nonsense or other tech grift.
Note that I’m specifically interested in the text medium, podcasts or YT not so much.
I started liking https://izzys.casa/ after someone linked her meandering horror story on the C++ ecosystem on awful. All her posts seem to be written like that.
Now this is a fun blog.
Silicon Valley was a mistake. What the hell.
Okay “like that” is strong wording after that specific article. She seema to mix anecdotes, research, opinions and technical details in an entertaining and somewhat educative way.