Unfortunately in the US people are OBSESSED with dogs. Everyone has one and so many people just leave them outside to bark and bark and bark and bark and bark and… :/
Yeah I used to go for a walk at my old neighborhood and one dog would start barking then the next and the next and soon I would have the whole neighborhood barking just by walking around the block.
Also my old neighborhood my neighbor will leave for work at 6:00 in the morning and his dog would woefully and loudly bark for a solid hour after he left.
Barking. It drives me absolutely mad.
Unfortunately in the US people are OBSESSED with dogs. Everyone has one and so many people just leave them outside to bark and bark and bark and bark and bark and… :/
I have a cat. She is currently emitting no noise and is a moderate grey color.
I read “she is emiting a moderately grey color”
That too.
This is how you can easily differentiate people and assholes. Assholes leave their dogs outside.
Cats too. Assholes who lets their cats out looooove mosquitoes.
Yeah I used to go for a walk at my old neighborhood and one dog would start barking then the next and the next and soon I would have the whole neighborhood barking just by walking around the block.
Also my old neighborhood my neighbor will leave for work at 6:00 in the morning and his dog would woefully and loudly bark for a solid hour after he left.
I hate dogs (dog owners, actually)!