Flipboard has unleashed Surf, a new kind of social app that combines a Feed Reader with a Feed Builder, with Social Interactions sprinkled in.
Today, we dig into the nitty-gritty of Surf, a new app by Flipboard. We document what it is, how it works, and areas where the experience could be improved.
Good to know. I have an inkling that this probably slipped under the radar when the SurfApp team were looking at branding and trademarks. Despite the fact that Suckless projects tend to have a somewhat popular following in the *nix community, it’s probably pretty obscure anywhere else.
There already is a browser named Surf, and has been for two decades.
Is it related to the browser NetSurf?
Unfortunately not
Good to know. I have an inkling that this probably slipped under the radar when the SurfApp team were looking at branding and trademarks. Despite the fact that Suckless projects tend to have a somewhat popular following in the *nix community, it’s probably pretty obscure anywhere else.
Yeah, no surprise there, I found it only by pure luck, but suckless has been my jam for over a decade.