If you’re looking for an affordable and accessible way to live longer, skip the pricey wellness retreats and quirky biohacks—just bike to work.
If you’re looking for an affordable and accessible way to live longer, skip the pricey wellness retreats and quirky biohacks—just bike to work.
The crosses and bicycles painted white in memorial on the side of the road near me would tell a different story.
Are you trying to be funny or are you just doing your best right now?
It’s really that deadly on these roads. People without cars make friends with people with cars. There’s no other option.
thing is, car drivers aren’t really safer from bad drivers killing them
Not overall. But in my area, yeah no one bikes because bikers die.
This statistic tells us that the health benefits of cycling outweigh the increased chance of an accident.
I have lived here 18 years. I have only seen one person try to bicycle commute in that time. He disappeared after a month. It’s just two narrow lanes and a ditch with lots of heavy truck traffic, high speeds, and curves. One time I tried walking home from the tire shop - about two miles. Four people stopped to offer me a ride because being on the side of these roads is that dangerous.