You would think that a multi-billion-dollar program to deploy tens of thousands of safer, more efficient mail delivery trucks made in the United States would align with Donald Trump’s “America first” mantra. Not if electricity powers the trucks, apparently.
Trump’s disdain for electric vehicles is seemingly so all-consuming
Same thing with everything he does. Just for the cruelty
No. That’s too easy and dismissive. It doesn’t even realy make sense.
Revenge maybe. But I doubt it.
There’s some logical reasoning here. Something that makes sense, even if the goal it’s self is senseless.
A friend‘s company will get the contract instead? Of course the vehicles would have ICEs, making his oil company friends happy? The cruelty would just be a bonus
Something like that. But which friend? Which company?
Highest bribe.
Maybe Musk wants to make them instead?
That would make sense.
Try to get him to settle for hybrid, install small ICE into vehicle, show functionality upon rollout, retune software later to not actually use ICE. Lol
What are you new? Since when does he make sense?
It all makes sense when you see him as a child. An insecure narcissist, who thinks the world exists for his benefit. So how does this fit into that?
Sometimes children break things just to break things
Even when they do, they’re exploring and discovering their ability to effect the world, or how things work. It’s not for no reason.
Yeah, and that’s where the child analogy fails. He’s not actually a child. He’s not learning and exploring the world. Learning is likely one of the things Trump hates the most, because it would imply he doesn’t already know the answer.