
The SA aliens are back with a vengeance, characters are swimming around in their underwear. Best just to pass on it.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    You’ve now gone from avoiding the eroticized SV to denying it. You are contorting your self worse than Fighter’s spine contorted so you could have her chest and buttocks shown so clearly in the same panel, right after her clothes were vaporized in one panel.

    But you’ve gotta work with the pieces you’re given! It was needed to get printed! It’s not eroticizing SV because . . . fuck . . .

    • CrawlMarks [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      I mean, you cannot meet an objective assessment of art but I don’t think the portrayal does that. There is a strong split in the criticism amongst the Fandom where a significant element don’t think it is either. To the point that in Fandom spaces when someone brings that up as a positive they are shunned. Conversely there are specifically fandoms for that kind of thing and they do not appreciate the work. So that’s two voted against. Now I know the generla level of medica literacy for the anime Fandom is slow so I don’t know how to weigh that evidence. So in the end I don’t know. I just think that the work appart from that has intresting artistic value. I feel like since the property is not going to get another season it never going to be resolved and I see no artistic value in trying to do so. For sure if that is your take I respect that and I no reason to disagree with you or try to change your mind. It is ultimately not the part of the work I find Intresting or valuable to consider. Given that positive depictions of sexual violence are the industry standard. It’s not great. I think GS comes close enough to a critique of that standard that it is creatively intresting. However as we have here the discourse doesn’t go past the first episode so that conversation never goes anywhere.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        “There’s no way to tell if these anime girls are being sexualized during the violence, art is subjective after all”.

        You’re a fucking coward and telling me what the consensus is among the hives of illiterate philistines who agree with you is not the point you think you scored.

        • CrawlMarks [he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 month ago

          Again, if you want to discuss one part of the first episode there is nothing useful to be said. I think the rest of the two seasons is pretty intresting as an artifact of it’s time. It is one of the few anime brave enough to be against sexual violence and people will never forgive it for that.

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]@hexbear.net
            1 month ago

            Disgusting double talk, it eroticizes sexual violence.

            It is one of the few anime brave enough to be against sexual violence and people will never forgive it for that.

            Like, how can you say this with a straight face? Oh, yeah, the witness being traumatized is definitely what people objected to. Fucking bullshit

            Again, if you want to discuss one part of the first episode there is nothing useful to be said

            Evidence doesn’t just not count because you want to dismiss it.

            By the way, let me repeat that it does something much worse in the first chapter of Year One. The sexual violence is being used to pull in readers.