• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    In fact American agriculture it’s pretty much dependent on farmers using their large families as free labor.

    That was always the excuse, but there’s already exceptions for a family owned business regardless of industry.

    I grew up on a tobacco farm, and most of my uncle’s had them too. So me and all my cousins worked in them pretty much since we could walk. It wasn’t that bad because it was a family thing.

    We could have done that legally without the agriculture exception though. Especially since it was family we never got paid.

    What the agriculture exception did mean tho was other kids were actual employees on someone else’s farm or chicken/turkey processing plant. And that’s a whole nother story especially considering the type of person to hire a literal child to slaughter birds for 8 hours at a time with a 100 other employees in shitty conditions just doesn’t give a fuck about any of the employees.

    They just want an employee they can pay less and won’t stand up for themselves