"Well if humans weren’t building durable immunity, if the deaths weren’t a susceptible cohort, if we didn’t just need to avert our eyes and let the vulnerable die off, if your risk of getting long COVID was about the same each infection meaning we may all one day have it
WoUlDn’t wE SeE MoRe pEoPlE WiTh lOnG CoViD ThAn wE SeE In tHe sUrVeYs?"
"Well if humans weren’t building durable immunity, if the deaths weren’t a susceptible cohort, if we didn’t just need to avert our eyes and let the vulnerable die off, if your risk of getting long COVID was about the same each infection meaning we may all one day have it
WoUlDn’t wE SeE MoRe pEoPlE WiTh lOnG CoViD ThAn wE SeE In tHe sUrVeYs?"