Ignore the luddites, this will be a very important can’t-live-without feature in the years to come. Once the privacy issues are worked through, and yes, luddites, they can and will be worked through, this will be a differentiating feature that every other OS plays catch up to. It already exists in some tools like ssh playbacks.
Ignore the luddites, this will be a very important can’t-live-without feature in the years to come. Once the privacy issues are worked through, and yes, luddites, they can and will be worked through, this will be a differentiating feature that every other OS plays catch up to. It already exists in some tools like ssh playbacks.
$ scrot “${XDG_CACHE_DIR:-”$HOME"/.cache}“/shot-$(date +”%D-%H").png
Put in /etc/cron.hourly, make executable, done.
Edit: right, copilot analyzing. Just run OpenCV over the images.
I should extend that program and call it