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    • eldavi
      3 months ago

      In another 10 to 15 years there’ll be yet another user schism when LemmyTM gets legal control over openLemmy and the commercially induced enshittificattion creates yet another user base diaspora onto yet another tankie invented social network safe space and; just like our gayborhoods; the user base gentrification will price us both out and we’ll both likely join the ranks of that diaspora.

      I think obstinacy is going to remain in season until the election and witnessing it all happen all over again is tiring and I now I think I understand how liberals feel about tankies not voting for Kamala no matter how much you try to warn them and now it stings because we’re trekies; we’re better than this!!!

      You can’t beat the beat the tankies; they’re like roaches of the capitalist system; they will outlive all of us. Every single time you kick them out of the safe space that they created for themselves it turns into shit and your willful ignorance makes everyone do this userbase migration all over again and that’s goes for both the lemmyverse and the election!

        • eldavi
          3 months ago

          Ikr. Lol. Complaining about it didn’t help things either the last time around.

          One of the things I’ve learned from the tankies this time around is that you have to keep fighting despite the overwhelming odds because when you look at the long term view: there are clear no-no’s in history and genocide is one of them.

          Voting for the people actively enabling a genocide is a hard sell coming from the people who broke our own laws to enable an active one and can literally stop it at any moment but won’t and I can’t help presuming it’s got something to do with that timetable MLKjr was referring to.