DAE science!! Also the fuck is this article: https://www.science.org/content/article/are-diamonds-earth-s-best-friend-gem-dust-could-cool-planet-and-cost-trillions
“to solve climate change we must shoot 5 million tons of diamond dust into the atmosphere”
Don’t mind if I do. Thank you, Drej Queen of the Drej Tank.
THE FUCKING ACTUAL SCIENCE SAYS STOP DUMPING ALL THAT CARBON IN THE AIR YESTERDAY. No magic bazinga tech is likely to reverse the Greenhouse Effect any time soon and firing up even more data centers with even more carbon dumping in the hopes that a treat printer will print out a blueprint for magic bazinga tech is VERY FUCKING STUPID.
no no, science will come up with a way to reduce emissions by eating a special kind of beef that makes you fart carbon credits. aaaany day now.
Also, do they think scientists just have infinite money bags that they personally get to spend on whatver they want? Do they not understand how any of it works? Scientists are just working and figuring things out, how the fuck are they supposed to step in and save the day without the polticial power and money to do so?!
For fucks sake, isn’t that ‘supposed’ to be the whole point of politicians and corpos under liberal “democracy” and capitalism. What happened to magical market forces solving all problems?
So many questions that scientists would like to explore are not explored and may never be explored because there’s no grant money there, either!
It’s even better. No bazinga tech here. The greatest minds got together and said “well, if we shoot five million fucking tons of diamond dust into the atmosphere…MAYBE we can stop climate change.”
Like this is some shit a five year old would come up with.