Basically all of the progress we’ve made in BC in the education system (funding cuts notwithstanding) over the last 7 years is to be rolled back.
Cops back in schools
A return to grade-letter ranking for grades 4-9
Ending SOGI123 (sex orientation / gender identity inclusive programme)
Subsidies for private schools and home schooling parents
Removal of attempts at making white people guilty for genociding the natives
Re-instating all the standardised tests that we got rid of because they’re fucking useless
I absolutely fucking hate these people. I’m no fan of the BCNDP but definitely hoping they’ll eek out a victory because god damn.
Yeah they’ve done a lot of good work reforming the very outdated school curriculum. I think some school districts still opt to have pigs in their schools but it’s up to each district? I dunno.
This prediction seems like it might come to fruition. Honestly, this would be my ideal result. I think the NDP has done great things with housing and education, but the shit like LNG, fracking and old growth logging make a total mockery of their “CleanBC” plan.