I’m looking for specific and non obvious answers. Give me something visceral, rid the world of a figure or nation you hate. Preserve a culture you adore. It doesn’t have to make sense either, you are basically god here.

What I mean is don’t just say you’d get rid of imperialism or colonialism bc no shit

Personally I would make it so that the Americas are never discovered by the old world and every would be conquistador (especially cortez and pizarro) explodes.

  • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
    2 hours ago

    I wrote a quick page of flash fiction sketching out a world where Chinese ships reached California a couple hundred years before the Conquistadors reached South America, tl;dr the Chinese empire can’t exert power on the continent the way the European empires could, indigenous cultures adopt some Chinese technologies and state organization principles, and the Spanish and English arrive on schedule but find their ability to conquer stymied by Aztecs with arquebuses and cannons.

    My second choice is that a major slave rebellion is successful in Ancient Rome, resulting in a class-based overthrow of the previous state apparatus. The former slaves reform the existing Patron-Client networks to eliminate the patrons all together, resulting in a society economically organized around circles of associated producers and craftspeople who are of equal social rank and work together while sharing a commons. Eventually as the Roman state breaks down from the inevitability of its size and outside pressures, the resulting “fuedal” system is not one dominated by noble lords and their systems of alliances, but a complex web of cities and townships which associate freely with one another, slowly forming into complex realms with distributed, instead of centralized, leadership structures.