I tested this with an electrical socket reader and it chimed, so there is some power to it still. I’d like to remove this, the old keypad, a siren, etc.

Besides shutting off the power while doing it and maybe capping the cable ends, what do I need to think about? I’m just trying to make sure I don’t burn my house down 😅

  • mvirts@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    If it was me I would find the other end of that cable first. Most likely you’ll find it in an attic or crawl space if you have access.

    Unless it runs all the way to an electrical panel you can probably shut off your power and disconnect the system yourself.

    I wouldn’t leave them in the wall while they are still getting power, even if they are capped off.

    The stupid thing to do would be short it and see what breaker trips, too risky for me but some people may recommend it.