• TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
    4 hours ago

    How many quotes will it take from societies not veiling their self-interest and, in fact, taking great pride in their naked self-interest, would it take to change your mind? Or is that a lost cause?

    Well you haven’t give men any quotes, even if you had isolated quotes aren’t exactly enough to even make a reductionist claim that the Romans were the only people justifying their conquest.

    Enough time to easily show that ideological concerns were major

    What ideological shift occurred between the time of the first and second gulf war? You are honestly claiming that the bush administration wasn’t motivated by things as simple as consolidating power under the administration, or even things like halliburton getting tens of billions of dollars?

    Holy shit. We’re really just applying the casus belli of much later periods to antiquity, because it ‘feels right’, huh?

    Lol, you’re saying going to war over a God’s will only happened after the Romans? You do know some of the earliest recordings of wars occured in ancient mesopotamia utilizing capturing the idols of gods as a pretext.

    okay, so we’re changing our argument from “It was only the Romans who wrote about the matter!” to “All pre-modern writing is untrustworthy!”, cool cool cool.

    I never claimed that it was only the Romans…that’s your argument which I am rebutting.

    I am saying that sources need to be examined within their historical context.

    Why would I fetch anything without criteria for what would be regarded as a valid counterargument? I’ve done this stupid fucking dance with too many fucking people to count

    Ahh yes, everyone else is the problem…not me, the only common denominator.

    bizarre preconceptions about the past and have no interest in re-examining them, who freely dismiss any evidence given and delight in pissing away time and effort.

    You’ve literally not given any evidence. I’m the only person in this particular argument who’s used sourced material.

    A city during the first civil war in almost 100 years was looted by out-of-control troops hailing from the other side of the Empire against their commander’s orders and was roundly condemned by the histories", clearly, you have proven that the Romans loved looting their own cities for no reason.

    Lol, so salty that I provided a source despite your baffled “What?”

    There are plenty of examples of similar events throughout the history of Rome.

    Roman legal influence in the West through some 1500 years, and let me fucking tell you, that’s a very far cry from being culturally similar

    I forgot I was talking to the dictator of cultures… I so glad you could make that opinion of your official.

    • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOPM
      3 hours ago

      What ideological shift occurred between the time of the first and second gulf war?

      … do you think the First Gulf War wasn’t waged on ideological grounds…?

      Lol, you’re saying going to war over a God’s will only happened after the Romans? You do know some of the earliest recordings of wars occured in ancient mesopotamia utilizing capturing the idols of gods as a pretext.

      I would say it’s astounding that you’re so goddamn close to the point yet missing it, but it’s really not. Do I have to outline why stealing idols is different from religiously justified wars, or is naked theft a justification in your mind?

      I never claimed that it was only the Romans…that’s your argument which I am rebutting.

      This you?

      How exactly are we determining this? Thats probably what the Romans thought of the Germanic tribes and the Gauls, but we don’t exactly have a lot of primary sources from the people we’re talking about. Of course the empire is going to boil down their enemies motives while guiding their own.

      I am saying that sources need to be examined within their historical context.

      This you?

      Lastly, you are utilizing examples of societies where the only people who were writing within the historical context were part of the ruling structure. Thats akin to getting acess to the email of Dick Cheney’s actual motivations for invading Iraq vs the story they told the media.

      Ahh yes, everyone else is the problem…not me, the only common denominator.

      Me: “Give me your criteria for valid sources and I’ll gladly provide them.”

      Wow, yes, clearly I am the one being unreasonable. Excuse me while I go fetch a dozen quotes so you can say something brilliant like “Well, those were the ELITES, of COURSE they would say that” or “Well, that’s a ROMAN source, of COURSE they would say that” or “It’s just one/two/ten/twenty quotes, you can’t just extrapolate from that!” You know, things you’ve already fucking said. Things I’ve literally quoted you fucking saying.

      Excuse me for not being a fucking moron without pattern recognition skills for how people with no fucking foundation on a topic argue for their ‘intuitive’ preconceptions.

      Lol, so salty that I provided a source despite your baffled “What?”

      Salty is when I outline why the incident doesn’t say what you think it does and you have no actual response to that. Okay. Fantastic.

      There are plenty of examples of similar events throughout the history of Rome.

      Holy shit, are you really sitting here saying “War without cause is when there’s a revolt or civil war, and the more revolt or civil war there is, the less justification is used for it”?

      I forgot I was talking to the dictator of cultures… I so glad you could make that opinion of your official.

      “Dictatorship is when you say something that contradicts my assertion” - A Very Brilliant Commenter, apparently