I live in a one party area.

I’ve long wanted to set up a solution to seamlessly record video or audio calls and store them

Seeing how everything went down with Apollo and Reddit made me want to revisit the idea. I was impressed Apollo had the foresight to record the calls.

The way reddit lied and tried to manipulate is the exact sort of thing that I want to protect myself against in the future.

Any ideas? Thank you

  • tvcvt
    1 year ago

    If you’re interested in hosting your own PBX you can set this up pretty trivially. I run a few PBXes (for myself and a couple organizations) and I’d rank it a little more intense than self-hosting email. Not undoable by a long shot, but lots of moving parts and a steep learning curve, plus phones HAVE to work for emergency services, so the stakes can be high.

    If you decide to go down that path, I recommend checking out the Crosstalk Solutions channel on YouTube. Lots of good info there.