Tell your guitar, style of play, and settings for your amp. Mention a pedal too.

    1 year ago

    HH Les Paul tribute, Revstar, or Jazzmaster with singles (almost 100% of the time on the rhythm circuit). I just ordered a Dunable Cyclops in March with a Direwolf in the bridge and Slugwolf in the neck but that hasn’t come in yet.

    For a pedal platform in my jangly post rock/shoegazey songs I usually play through either a Vox AC15 or Roland JC40 as a super clean platform that I can push around with the pedals. For dirty amps I play either Orange Terror > PPC212 for slower, doomy sludgy stuff or EVH 5150 > EVH 212 for faster, technical progressive metal type stuff.

    Pedal wise I usually run a wah, 3-4 drives, 2 delays and 2 verbs. Crybaby bass wah (cuz I like how the treadle bounces back up) Usually a light drive (EHX Soul Food or SD-1 or something) to color a clean amp or push a dirty amp, a big muff (usually either a Tone Wicker or a Green Russian clone), and then a super nasty fuzz for ultimate doom (I love the EQD Eruptor). Then a Nu-X Space Echo, TC electronic HOF II, MXR Carbon Copy, and Boss RV5 for all the spacey stuff.

    I also have a Helix floor rig I use for my cover bands and gigging but I basically just use it to recreate my physical amps and pedals and make it easier to gig so I don’t have to lug aaaaall that out of the studio