He and his other cronies declared their plan was to accumulate a tonne of money and give it all away to charities. They called it effective altruism which we now know was total BS
“Well, I get to be a huge fucking asshole all I want, because if I, at some point in the future, spend all my money building the AI supergod it will save all of potential humanity, doing more good than anything ever before!”
“But, can’t you do that AND feed hungry babies?”
“No, the AI supergod requires a second golden airplane!”
Well, a bunch of ernest and thoughtful philosophers called it effective altruism (see Toby Ord, will mccaskill, Peter singer). Then it was adopted by the deluded arrogant tech/finance bros and yeah yikes. Sucks to be a philosopher I guess. Someone uses your ideas fraudulently and boom, they’re your problem.
He and his other cronies declared their plan was to accumulate a tonne of money and give it all away to charities. They called it effective altruism which we now know was total BS
“Well, I get to be a huge fucking asshole all I want, because if I, at some point in the future, spend all my money building the AI supergod it will save all of potential humanity, doing more good than anything ever before!”
“But, can’t you do that AND feed hungry babies?”
“No, the AI supergod requires a second golden airplane!”
Well, a bunch of ernest and thoughtful philosophers called it effective altruism (see Toby Ord, will mccaskill, Peter singer). Then it was adopted by the deluded arrogant tech/finance bros and yeah yikes. Sucks to be a philosopher I guess. Someone uses your ideas fraudulently and boom, they’re your problem.