• DRx@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Care to elaborate on how this is misinformation? Because I can point to many sources of Christofascism in the US right now, or how 82% of white evangelicals vote for conservatives, who in turn vote AGAINST helping the poor, the sick, refugees, women, etc.

      Hell even an executive in the Southern Baptist Convention recently left the church due to un-acknowledged sex crimes and rascist/bigotry lead congregations.

      So once again … care to elaborate? Or will you stick you head in the sand like every other conservative that won’t acknowledge the problems within the faith? If that’s what “gods people” are like, then who needs a god?




      • roho
        1 year ago

        In your picture you’re pretending Christ said what you’re claiming. That is misinfo.

        imo, better call ‘republicans’ out for what they’re doing opposed to what Jesus teaches.

        Whatever wrong things people are doing and/or are making of it, is not what i’m talking about.

        ps… Republicans and ‘same race’ is what media is saying, but i’ve seen a recording where it shows that any color is accepted and welcomed at trump rallies (quite against what the visitor was expecting).

        • DRx@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          Oh so you don’t understand the joke. Let me explain it for ya…

          Of course Jesus never said these things… however his flocks of christians don’t care that he said the opposite, and continue to vote for those who oppress the people Jesus supposedly said to help the most. If christian DID uphold the teachings of Jesus we would have Universal healthcare by this point, we wouldn’t demean refugees at our borders, we would not inject ourselves into other peoples personal lives and decisions (being LGBT, or having an abortion) (eh hem Mathew 7:1, 1 Timothy 5:13). But we do have all these problems thanks to conservative policies and states, that guess what? A strong majority of christians vote for.

          This sub is called “Republican Jesus” for a reason.

          • roho
            1 year ago

            Maybe it’s because i don’t joke about serious things. Risking false statements are assumed to be true.

            wrt healthcare; Christian don’t need a socialist system to force them into ‘correctness’, because every individual would take it on him/herself to listen to the Holy Spirit.

            wrt ‘injecting ourselves into personal lives’. I think with covid we saw that the mainstream, who say they value freedom, actually gladly forced the needle into people. So lumping al ‘infringment’ on republicans isn’t really truthful.

            Regarding abortion, maybe you want to check why/who’re behind ‘planned parenthood’. And LGBTQ isn’t a ‘community’. Many L and G’s don’t want to be lumped into the T and Q group. Also, actual women lose their rights again. And it’s pushed into mainstream with a big PR budget.

            You’re right, this sub states its purpose. i better leave it at this. Cheers.

            • DRx@lemmy.worldOP
              1 year ago

              wrt healthcare; Christian don’t need a socialist system to force them into ‘correctness’, because every individual would take it on him/herself to listen to the Holy Spirit.

              What the hell does socialism have to do with healthcare? You think it is right to saddle someone with millions of dollars of debt due to no fault of their selves?? What a great christian attitude to have, bud! What does the holy spirit have to do with congress preventing medicare from negotiating drug prices? What about the price of an ambulance ride?? That holy spirit must be a stingy bastard to force such high costs.

              wrt ‘injecting ourselves into personal lives’. I think with covid we saw that the mainstream, who say they value freedom, actually gladly forced the needle into people.

              The bible tells christians not to judge or be “meddlers/busybodies”, I am not christian and I do not follow the bible. I think it is fine if Christian conservatives want to do that, but you don’t get to hide behind christianity then. You chose to be a christian. You don’t get to chose if you follow the bible or not. That is on you. If you feel called out maybe you should relook at your own christianity. (or lack there of)

              Regarding abortion, maybe you want to check why/who’re behind ‘planned parenthood’.

              Okay? What is your point I know exactly who is behind planned parenthood. I donate to them yearly. What does planned parenthood have to do with a woman’s right to bodily autonomy? (not that any conservative will ever answer this question lol)

              Many L and G’s don’t want to be lumped into the T and Q group.

              Even if what you say is correct (which you cite no sources), your admitting that many are OKAY with being in a group with transgender. So what is your point? that some people don’t like other people? okay? Eitherway, christians dislike all LGBT. Christian conservatives just found a way to turn some in the group of LGBT against others.

              actual women lose their rights again.

              Yea, no, you lost the privilege to use that when you took away a woman’s autonomy to choose for themselves whether they should have a child or not. You can’t say “Stop abortion, women don’t get that right!” then turn around and say “What about woman’s rights!!” lol … Hell some conservatives are trying to strip birth controls from women as well! but yea, you probably don’t care about “THOSE” rights.

              • roho
                1 year ago

                What the hell does socialism have to do with healthcare? You think it is right to saddle someone with millions of dollars of debt due to no fault of their selves?? What a great christian attitude to have, bud!

                you’re jumping conclusions.

                The bible tells christians not to judge or be “meddlers/busybodies”, I am not christian and I do not follow the bible. I think it is fine if Christian conservatives want to do that, but you don’t get to hide behind christianity then. You chose to be a christian. You don’t get to chose if you follow the bible or not. That is on you. If you feel called out maybe you should relook at your own christianity. (or lack there of)

                The Bible says, stand behind what you know to be true, and don’t fear people for the bad things they will do to you. The heavier things of the Law are 1)righteous judgment 2)love mercy 3)walk humbly with your God. And that’s about how to compose yourself and not about ‘others’. I do agree that too many are imposing their beliefs on others. It’s not only ‘religious’ folks though, the censorship from nonbelievers is just as bad.

                Even if what you say is correct (which you cite no sources), your admitting that many are OKAY with being in a group with transgender. So what is your point? that some people don’t like other people? okay? Eitherway, christians dislike all LGBT. Christian conservatives just found a way to turn some in the group of LGBT against others.

                The point is, that there’s an incentive being pushed with big-money. Since when is big-money interested in people. Must be something else on the agenda. And it’s sadly working; how many people don’t even dare to explain what the difference between a man and a woman is anymore… come on ( :) )

                Yea, no, you lost the privilege to use that when you took away a woman’s autonomy to choose for themselves whether they should have a child or not. You can’t say “Stop abortion, women don’t get that right!” then turn around and say “What about woman’s rights!!” lol … Hell some conservatives are trying to strip birth controls from women as well! but yea, you probably don’t care about “THOSE” rights.

                imo, abortions should stay a medical practice. It’s now going to the extreme that life can be wasted even up to just before delivery! All because grown ups can’t constain themselves. Lusting after sex is not the same as intercourse expecting a child. And life in the womb is not just a lump of cells. (have you seen this abortion information?)

                • DRx@lemmy.worldOP
                  1 year ago

                  It’s now going to the extreme that life can be wasted even up to just before delivery!

                  That is a lie, and shows a complete lack of how a baby is even formed. I work in a level 1 trauma center as a clinical pharmacist. We have had fetuses that have been born as early as 23 weeks and survived but its RARE (age of viability is usually agreed to be 24 weeks) … a healthy fetus will not be aborted past 24 weeks without serious health issues for either the fetus or the mother.

                  According to the CDC:

                  93.1% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (5.8%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (0.9%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation.

                  Once again, the age of viability is considered 24 weeks. So, of that 0.9% we do not know how many could be between 21-24 weeks. So, this BS of abortion at birth is right-wing talking points to take away rights from woman.

                  Finally, let me just say that the thing that makes me the most pissed off and sick to my stomach is how woman and girls who are raped are forced to carry to term an abomination inside them. They got no choice when they were being raped, and the get no choice to move past that horrible moment in their life. Girls as young as 10 years old, are raped and forced to carry a baby for 9 months, have a C-section because their vaginal canals are too small. Almost every conservative state that banned abortion after the supreme court, purposely left out the carve outs for rape or incest. That is disgusting.

                  Oh also, women are being forced to bleed out in their cars before they can be seen for an abortion, or have sepsis before a doctor will even touch them!



                  Not to mention Idaho dissolves maternal mortality review committee
