While firms’ adoption of AI is still relatively low, rapid progress including with generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT), falling costs and the increasing availability of workers with AI skills suggest that OECD countries may be on the brink of an AI revolution. It is vital to gather new and better data on AI uptake and use in the workplace, including which jobs will change, be created or disappear, and how skills needs are shifting. When considering all automation technologies including AI, 27% of jobs are in occupations at high-risk of automation. Initial findings from a new OECD survey of AI’s impact in the manufacturing and finance sectors of seven countries highlight both the opportunities and risks that AI brings.

We really need UBI, de-commodified housing, and medicare for all to stabilize society during the transition to post-singularity.

    • Anticorp
      1 year ago

      My company already has ChatGPT-4 trained on a company specific LLM, and we’re being actively encouraged to use it. I’ll admit, it’s actually completely amazing, and has increased our productivity like 400% or more. But I’m under no illusions that they’d still keep everyone once they figure out how to get ChatGPT to do our jobs, instead of just helping us do our jobs. I’ve been hearing for 20 years that computers would take my job. Every time I looked at the output from said computers I was like “LOL”. When I saw the output from ChatGPT-4 I was like “uh oh”.