I have the filing in another topic on this community (Greenspan v Musk topic). But this blogpost / commentary is easier for people to read.

  • dragontamer@lemmy.worldOPM
    2 months ago

    A lot of these are relatively small, kind if a paper-cut in terms of overall problems at Tesla.

    But Used Cars Booked as “Delieveries”', or “Booking the Same Car as a Sale Multiple Times”, or “Proof of Overstated ‘Deliveries’ Via Google Invoice” means that money simply does not exist. The money was made up, never happened, and issues like “CFO Refuses To State True Cash Balances” means that the amount of missing money might be larger than expected.

    There’s always accounting errors in businesses. But when its malicious (and some of these allegations look malicious), it might rise to the level of criminal fraud.

    We are very early in this process though of court cases. The real issue is that it took a leak + private-citizen suing Elon Musk/Tesla to bring these out to light. But lets see if the ball can get rolling.

    The big question I have is how much fraud is this? I think $millions or even $10s of millions can be swept under the rug for a company of Tesla’s size. But if this is $Billions of fraud, that might be too much and they’d be taken out by the court system and angry investors (as the stock price would surely be affected).